I only count the hours that shine

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Resepi Chocolate Chips Cookies simple

Assalamualaikum! Hello hello! o(≧∇≦o)
So today I want to share a recipe on how to bake chocolate chip cookies. Ni yg simple punya je memang didedikasikan untuk orang yang malas nak beli banyak sangat bahan atau nak jimat duit.

The materials that you need are:

  • 250g mentega
  • 300g gula perang
  • 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
  • 5g garam
  • 2 biji telur saiz B
  • 380g tepung serbaguna*
  • 5g ATAU 1 sudu teh serbuk penaik*
  • 250g coklat chip
  • 100g walnut
  • dll bahan contoh macam badam
  • serbuk koko* (serbuk koko cuma dalam dua sudu besar hanya nak bagi warna coklat pada cookies je hehe. Jadi, kalau taknak letak pun tidak mengapa)
*diayak bersama

art, chocolate chip cookies, and high life image

The procedure:

1. Pukul mentega, gula, esen vanilla dan garam sehingga kembang. (My advice, beat the butter first but not for too long atau jangan sampai dah kembang. Sebab apa? Nanti cookies akan jadi leper. Ni based on my experience lah hihi. After that, add the sugar, vanilla essence and salt.)

2. Kemudian, masukkan telur satu per satu dan pukul sehingga sebati.

3. Masukkan tepung yang sudah diayak bersama serbuk penaik.

4. Akhir sekali tambah coklat chip dan walnut cincang atau/dan badam.

5. Bakar pada suhu 180 darjah Celcius selama 20 minit.

Maka siaplah cookies korang. Cookies ni boleh dapat dalam 100 juga kot bergantung kepada saiz dough korang. Easy and simple, right? Tapi sebenarnya mengambil masa yang lama juga melainkan korang guna oven yang besar.
All the best!୧༼✿ ͡◕ д ◕͡ ༽୨

Monday, 4 April 2016

خواطر # Khawater Series

Hey guys!  ((this is not my first post. I converted my previous posts into drafts because those posts are from when I was in form 2 and form 3))

So, I've been watching Khawater series on Youtube. Actually, you can watch it on Astro channels (I don't subscribe for Astro so watching it on Youtube is enough. Jimat lagi gituw aku bukannya kaya nau nak bayar bill astro, membaziaq!) (。>ω<)。

The reason I posted this is just to recommend people out there to watch this series. I learnt a lot (not sure if this is true hehehe but sure I learnt something) from it & memandangkan aku tak buat apa2 pun kat rumah lepas SPM yg dah berakhir beberapa bulan yang lalu, aku rasa macam aku lebih bodoh dan bengap daripada pelajar sekolah huhu. This series is good for mind digestion. Also, it helps reminding me of the Arabic words I have learnt in school but forgotten ((There's no one I can talk to in Arabic here. Not that I am good at it in the first place but I really don't want all those years I spent my time learning Arabic just go down the drain. Tapi aku memang reti Arab ni atas kertas jer. Nak cakap arab memang kena tunggu desperate situation kot  macam contohnya aku sesat kat negeri Arab lepastu kena cakap arab dengan pak Arab yang handsome2 ke huhu berangan ))
So, check it out! Currently I'm watching this episode! (/^▽^)/

It's already subbed in English. Anyway, I recommend watching Khawater 6 because the contents & discussions are more interesting (I guess? I've only watched two episodes from it, though. Hihi, noh8 )