I only count the hours that shine

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Top 5 Anime yang popular & korang patut tengok

Ohayou gozaimasu~~ 
Okay semenjak cuti dua bulan selepas habis asasi ni, life memang boring gila tahap undescribable (ha ok perkataan ni tidak wujud di dalam kamus ye, yang betul ialah indescribable. Baiklah awak telah mendapat suatu ilmu hari ini). Ok memandangkan semenjak dua menjak ni nampakla makin ramai yang share anime anime menarik di twitter, (padahal sebelum ni orang suka kata orang yg tengok anime ni tak matang lah, tengok kartun macam budak budak lah), tapi kebelakangan ini ia menjadi suatu trend pula. Eh yeke haha suka hati aku je hm hm ok bukan trend bukan trend

1. Death Note

Tadaaaaa! Ha ni lah cerita dia. Kalau korang tengok anime tapi tak tengok Death Note, korang telah kehilangan fun yang ada dalam anime. Cerita ni pasal Kira, top student kat sekolah yang terjumpa buku Death Note ni kat school compund. Dia bukak la buku ni and dia baca instructions dalam buku tu. So, dia pun letak nama orang-orang jahat dalam buku tu dan tak lama lepastu orang-orang jahat tu pun mati. The thing is, pihak polis nampak benda ni sebagai satu pembunuhan sebab even mereka orang jahat pun, mereka tak patut dibunuh tapi patut dihukum mengikut undang-undang. Ha kat sini lah L (my crush) muncul untuk cari siapa pembunuh (which is Kira). Cerita ni serious best. Penulis sampai jatuh cinta la dekat watak L sebab dia cool gila. 

2. Code Geass

Okay cerita ni kalau tengok episod awal memang nampak macam tak best. Tapi silap. Cerita ni best sangat kalau tengok sampai habis. Serious. Plot twist dia memang 10/10 macamtu. In fact, kalau korang nak cari main character as an antagonist, ini lah cerita yang perfect. Kenapa? Dia antagonis jahat tapi baik. Cerita ni ada dua season. Ending dia sedih gila ramai orang yang tengok menangis nangis. Aku pun menangis tengok ending dia.  Kenapa menangis? Apa yang sedih sangat? Anime je pun. Cerita ni dia ada development of character tau. So, the more you watch it, the more fond you are towards the characters. Tengok sendiri lah nanti faham hehe

3.  Steins; Gate

Seriously, give this anime a try. Episod awal-awal memang agak bosan. Tapi bila dah 4 episod ke atas, baru korang akan faham episod awal-awal. Cerita ni pasal a scientist yang cuba cipta mesin masa melalui microwave. And yes, he did it. Tapi, bila kita tahu yang kita boleh ubah sesuatu dengan hanya putar masa balik ataupun kembali ke masa lalu, mestila kita nak ubah hidup kita kan? Cerita ni bermain dengan psikologi manusia tentang masa dan kematian orang yang kita sayang. 

4) Pandora Hearts

Not bad jugak. Anime based on manga. Ending dalam anime different from the manga sebab dia nak cut short anime ni. Penulis baca manga dia sampai habis sebab nak tahu sangat apa jadi seterusnya. 

5) Chihayafuru

Actually, cerita ni lagi best daripada Pandora Hearts tapi malas nak edit haha. Jangan tertipu dengan sinopsis cerita ni, baca macam tak best tapi bila tengok, hooked terus. Cerita pasal sorang perempuan ni suka main Karuta (a traditional Japanese game) and dia dan kawan-kawan dia masuk tournament Karuta. Cerita pasal friendship juga. Serious rugi tak tengok. image

Oklah. Lima cukup kot. Penat type dah ni. Anime yang penulis recommend ni ada lah anime yg dah tak trending sekarang tapi masih dalam hot list. Contohnya Death Note dan Steins;Gate, dua ni memang dalam top list favourite anime of all time. Tapi yang lain-lain ni dah tak popular tapi pernah popular masa penulis sekolah dulu which is from 2011-2015. 

Okay kita cerita sikit lah background masa bila kita mula minat cerita anime ni. Masa kecil2 dalam umur 5-6 tahun tu opkos lah tengok anime. Siapa je tak tengok anime masa kecil-kecil memang telah mensia-siakan usia kanak-kanak yang pernah ada. Yelah, masa dulu-dulu kan cerita yang hot-hot dok tayang kat tv3 hari sabtu pagi2 takpun masa waktu maghrib. Ayah aku siap suruh tutup tv tiap kali maghrib sebab taknak bising ganggu dia solat. Tapi kerana kedegilanku yang ingin menonton Naruto aku peduli apa masa tu. Kanak-kanak katakan. Solat pun tidak masatu haha 

Okay tapi bila semakin membesar dalam umur 11-12 tahun, ha ni waktu nak ambil UPSR lah ni, memang dah tak layan sangat la anime ni. Tengok juga lah tapi minat yang mendalam sampai tahap boleh dipanggil otaku tu tak lah.
Ok penulis mula minat anime ni masa hujung form 1 nak masuk form 2 gitu. Terjebak dalam dunia anime ni pun sebab ternampak recommended video cerita Death Note kat Youtube.

"Eh tajuk dia Death Note. Macam menarik je ni"

 Maka tangan pun menggatal tekan link video tersebut dan ya kita layan lah episod 1 cerita ni. Ha nak dikatakan cerita ni memang power gila. Lepas tengok episod 1 tu penulis pun nak sambung tengok lagi lah cerita dia sebab nampak menarik. Yelah, dapat bunuh orang kalau kita letak nama dia kat buku tu. Ha hebat kan haha. Lepas habis tengok Death Note, penulis tak boleh nak move on sebab best sangat. So penulis pun cuba cari anime lain dalam website animecrazy. Website ni memang hebat gila la dia punya list anime yg top2 memang semuanya best-best. Malangnya website ni dah lama shut down. Anyway, anime dulu dgn sekarang berbeza sikit dia punya animation and yg dulu2 punya lagi syok daripada yang latest)

Oklah mengantuk ni lain kali kita share pasal top drama/movie pula eh hihi insyaAllah. 

Byebye oyasumi ~~ 

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Boring questions and boring answers

Hello. I am currently on a break after my foundation year waiting for enrolment into my degree course this September. RIP holiday. RIP. 
My life is so dull and boring right now that I am answering these questions that nobody asks me but I'm doing this still to kill my time. Yeah I can kill time. 
There are 100 questions so I will answer until which I can. 
Shall we begin? 

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?  
Honestly I don't remember. Yup it's been that long since I received any compliments. I have received some but I can't figure out which one is the best. I think it's the 'kau ni pandailah' because I received that a lot. I'm not clever actually or so I think. I'm just hardworking, that's all. 

What’s one thing you’re deeply proud of — but would never put on your résumé? 
I can read people's mind. Hire me !

What’s the most out-of-character choice you’ve ever made? 
Enrol into med school.

If a mysterious benefactor wrote you a check for $5,000 and said, “Help me solve a problem — any problem!” … what would you do with him or her? 
yeah you shall receive my help but gimme the money first. Whether I manage to solve it or not, I still get the money okay? Hihihihi

What’s going to be carved on your (hypothetical) tombstone? 
A girl who tried so hard to live finally died. 

What are you FREAKISHLY good at? 

What’s one dream that you’ve tucked away, for the moment? How come?
Backpacking to foreign countries because I'm still saving my money up. 

What are you STARVING for?
A perfect getaway. Sebab saya hanya menternak lemak ketika cuti.

If you could have tea with one fictional character, who would it be? 
I'm thinking so hard to answer this question xD Kim Shin from Goblin? His character is soo cute (walaupun dia tua) :))

Do you have a morning ritual?  
After solat subuh sambung tidur xD (only if I had a late night sleep) If not, after subuh I would have my breakfast and do my revision (because I dont study at night)

Do you believe in magic? When have you felt it?  
I love magic. I feel it whenever I read a good book. It feels somehow I am in a new world becoming a different person. 

Is there something that people consistently ask for your advice on? What is it?  
Unfortunately, people do not ask for my advice. 

Have you ever fantasized about changing your first name? To what?
I think my name perfectly fits me 

When was the last time you astonished yourself?
When I played badminton with my classmates because I don't do sports 

What’s your personal anthem or theme song? 
Like my mood, it changes frequently

Do you ever yearn for your life, before Facebook? 
I don’t believe in Facebook

What’s your definition of an ideal houseguest? 
One who does not complain

If you had an extra $100 to spend on yourself every week, what would you do? 
Save it for a getaway

If you could sit down with your 15-year old self, what would you tell him or her? 
If you think it's a right thing for you, then just do it. Don't be afraid to take chances. Voice yourself out. Cross the line. 

What are you BORED of? 
Watching dramas and sleep 

What’s the best birthday cake you ever ate? 
It is always the turkish indulgence from secret recipe 

How do you engage with panhandlers on the street? 
When I notice them somewhere near where I'm walking, I just don't look at them. Not that I dont wanna help, but they freaking have limbs to work. 

Do you think LOVE is chemical, intellectual, spiritual — or completely undefinable?
I'm noob about this. 

Have you ever dreamed about starting a business? (Or if you’ve already got one — a new business?) 
I’d love to open a bakery of my own

What’s your most urgent priority for the rest of the year? 

If you could master any instrument on earth, what would it be? 
Caklempong hahaha never had the chance to play it though

Have you ever been genuinely afraid for your physical safety? 
It is a constant worry on a daily basis

What are you an expert on? Is it because of training, lived experience, or both? 
Jill of all trades, master of none here :-(

Has a teacher ever changed your life? How so?
I change my own life. But I had teachers who changed my views and perspectives on the world. I enjoyed their classes because they were so inspiring

Are there any household chores you secretly enjoy? Which ones — and why?
Grocery shopping.  I love looking for new things to eat!

How do you reign in self-critical voices? 
That’s very hard to do.  I can’t say that I’m very successful at that

What does FEAR feel like, in your body? 
Not moving

Do you think you’re currently operating at 100% capacity? 
Not even close :-(

What do you value most: free time, recognition, or money?
None. It's knowledge. ( I wanted to choose money at first then I remember knowledge makes a man powerful). 

If you could save one endangered species from extinction, which would you choose? 
There are so many it would be hard to pick one.

Are there any laws or social rules that completely baffle you? 
No for now

Would you like to write a book? (About what?)
I’m not that entertaining

If you could choose your own life obstacles, would you keep the ones you have? 
I can’t say I’ve chosen my obstacles, they more or less chose me.  Personally I’d love to live without them

Have you ever SCREAMED at someone? (What did they do?) 
Most of the time. They irritate me

Where + when do you get your BEST IDEAS? 
In my dreams

All right

Friday, 23 June 2017

The do's and don'ts (Basics)

Hello people! So, what is a healthy skin?
It is when our skin looks plump, subtle and healthier. But of course, lack of sleep, excessive smoking, exposure to sunlight and some other harmful conditions can damage and irritate our skin. If you haven't started caring for your skin, these are the crucial early steps in doing so.


Drink plenty of water daily. This is to keep our body and skin hydrated especially during hot weather. Water will also flush out the toxins from body and nourishes our skin.  

Moisturize our body thoroughly everyday to prevent dry skin and cracks. This will keep our skin smooth, soft and healthy.

Eat healthy and nutritious food such as green vegetables, fruits like apples and berries, or walnuts. A healthy diet will improve quality of skin.

Exfoliate our skin weekly to remove old cells of skin which helps in rejuvenating our skin. By using exfoliation scrub, it will keep our skin glowing.

Ever feel like your skin always look tired? It is probably because of your lack of sleep. Get a proper sleep because lack of sleep can lead to acne breakouts and increase skin sensitivity.

Exercise. Physical activity improves blood circulation throughout the body, hence it nourishes skin cells and keeps healthy skin and vibrant. 


Smoking leads to aging of skin and wrinkles, fine lines and dry the skin. It also blocks the blood supply to skin which makes it unhealthy. 

Do not go to sleep with make-up on. It may cause complexion problems.

Stress also causes a chemical response in our body making the skin more sensitive and reactive. Stress can also worsen skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Hence to reduce the effects, take proper care of our skin even if we are tired or stressed out.

Excessive exposure to sun can damage skin cells, cause sunburns dehydration, redness and rough texture. So make sure to put on sun protection cream our your skin before stepping out of the house.

Different Skin Types

Hello. The weather in Malaysia has been good lately. What I meant by good is that it is not hot as usual. But when it comes to the time that the sun shines too bright or it is too hot, doesn't it feel just like our skin might tear off?

Today I'll be introducing you to the various skin types. Honestly, it is very important for each of us to know our skin types as it leads to different care to different skin types. However, it can change depends on the environment. Once you have known your own skin types, it will be much easier to choose products to buy for your skin! 

Normal Skin type 

It is not too dry or too oily.
  • Barely visible pores
  • Radiant complexion
  • Smooth, soft, even skin tone
  • Less trace of sebum (or oil) on the tissue

Dry Skin type

Image result for dry skin
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Dry cracked skin that may also bleed
  • Almost invisible pores
  • Dull, rough complexion
  • Red patches, less elastic
  • More visible lines
  • Flaky, feels tight after wiped

Oily Skin type

  • Enlarged pores
  • Dull or shiny, tiny complexion
  • Blackhead, pimples, other blemishes 

Combination skin type

  • Shiny skin
  • Blackhead
  • Pores that look larger than normal, because they’re more open

If you still cannot determine your skin type, you could always refer to a dermatologist.
I will be posting about the basic things to do in order to have a healthy skin next. Stay tune!